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4 Must-Have Accessories for Your New Portable Bandsaw Mill

wwWhether you are an experienced sawyer or you just purchased your first bandsaw mill, there are many accessories for your Woodland Mills sawmill that can both make your life easier and expand its capabilities. With loads of great accessories to choose from on the Woodland Mills website, it can be tough to know where to start. Here are 4 accessories that will undoubtedly come in handy with almost any project.


Having a bandsaw mill that can be easily transported from one site to another can be a game changer. The Woodlander Trailer can be combined with either the HM126 or the HM130 sawmills while the HM130MAX requires the Woodlander MAX trailer. If you have an HM122, the Bushlander Trailer will help you take your mill off-road. Having the ability to move your mill between different sites can be very useful. Maybe you are working on multiple projects at once or you have a big pile of logs on the other side of your property that you would otherwise have to transport to your mill. These trailers put the "portable" in portable bandsaw mill.

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Photo posted by Roger McGuigan on the Woodland Mills Product Owners & Community group.

Track Extensions

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Photo posted by Roger McGuigan on the Woodland Mills Product Owners & Community group.

Some sawyers know for certain that they will never mill a single log longer than 10’5”, and that’s great! If there is a chance, however, that you might work with longer logs on your bandsaw mill, you’ll be glad to have a track extension. One extension can be added to a mill on a trailer but there is no limit to how many you can add to your mill if it is set up on the ground. Each extension comes with an additional log clamp to ensure that even the longest of logs will remain secure. The extension that you will need varies depending on the size of the mill that you have and your setup. If you are unsure, reach out to one of the Woodland Mills team who can help you find what you need. The track extension can add versatility to your bandsaw sawmill so that you can take advantage of whatever opportunities come along.

Log Loading Ramp & Winch Kit

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges of using a bandsaw mill is loading hefty logs onto the bed. Not everyone has large machinery around to lift those heavy logs and they must resort to their brawn alone. Woodland Mills offers a variety of winch kits to help pull the log onto the sawmill bed. The Winch Post Kit works with all of our current sawmill models if you have a ground setup. If your mill is on the Bushlander Trailer or the Woodlander Trailer, the log loading ramp & winch kits are the best way to easily get your logs loaded, especially if you are at it alone.

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Photo posted by Erik Graham on the Woodland Mills Product Owners & Community group.

Bandsaw Blade Sharpener & Tooth Setter

If you’re like most sawyers, you want to produce the highest-quality cuts possible while also getting the most out of each blade. You can achieve both goals at once with a Woodland Mills Bandsaw Blade Sharpener and Tooth Setter. Pushing a dull blade through your log will not only result in a poor-quality cut but can break the blade prematurely. By sharpening bandsaw blades after 2-4 hours of milling time, you can grind off the tiny stress cracks that form in the gullet of the tooth, extending blade life. The fully automatic sharpener is powered by a 12V battery so that you can use it anywhere. The tooth setter is more valuable than some might think. It only takes 1 or 2 teeth to be offset for waves and rough edges to appear on your lumber.

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Photo posted by Harward Brown on the Woodland Mills Product Owners & Community group.

Photo posted by Shaun Moore on the Woodland Mills Product Owners & Community group.

Your portable mill can adapt with you as your milling needs change from project to project. A little scrolling through the "Woodland Mills Product Owners & Community" Facebook group will give you a good sense of which accessories your fellow sawyers are finding useful. Beware that you will likely get inspired by the amazing projects resulting in more milling.