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Woodlander's Words:

My HM130MAX is key to building up my property

Scott says DIYers need to be careful about how they spend their limited budget, but his portable sawmill was worth the investment

A couple years ago I purchased a 145-acre property in the mountains of Eastern Tennessee. Having a large property in the mountains has always been my dream, and my sawmill is an essential part of turning that dream into a reality.


As I was cutting in-roads, I found I had a lot of logs, some of which were very nice hardwoods. So as soon as I was able to clear a little space, I purchased a brand new HM130MAX Portable Sawmill.


It has been a great sawmill, I really enjoy using it. Not only does my sawmill give me the ability to build buildings and projects with limited expense (only nails and screws) but I get great satisfaction in knowing the trees I must cut down to make my roads are not rotting on the ground as an eye sore. Instead they are becoming a part of the process, lowering my costs, and giving me great pride along the way.


From unboxing the sawmill to building my first buildings in this remote location, it has been an adventure. I had to start by setting it up, on just cinder blocks and walk planks and then mill the lumber needed to build a sawmill shack/building before the first winter buried my new sawmill in snow.  


"My sawmill is turning into a critically important machine for nearly every project I do on my property."


I have been so impressed with the quality of the sawmill that I even purchased a WC88 chipper. As I cut in-roads to get to my home site, and build my future house, I will be using the Woodland Mills equipment I have purchased and posting videos all along the way.  


I will also need to build a building over my camper to protect it from the elements and then I will be building a rock screening tower to get the gravel I need to finish my roads. There are so many projects and, more importantly, options that I now have because I own a sawmill. My sawmill is turning into a critically important machine for nearly every project I do on my property.


One last thought I want to leave you with: those of us DIYers doing this stuff on our own have a limited budget, every dollar spent needs to provide a good return. When we make a large purchase like this it means a lot to have good quality equipment that will not let us down.


Case in point, after my sawmill sat for eight months, from late fall to well into the next summer I was a little nervous to get back at it not knowing if it would give me trouble, and it just fired right back to life. I made a video of this process as well.


I have purchased a lot of equipment in the past, and knowing you support your products makes it worth spending a little more rather than take a chance on a product from an unknown manufacturer. Thank you.




Scott Bryant, Happy Customer